Sunday, December 9, 2018

Keto or Atkins: What is the most beneficial and effective diet?


Keto or Atkins: What is the most beneficial and effective diet?

Basics keto diets
The main idea of ​​this type of food is the transition of the organism to the ketosis mode when fats are used for energy, not carbohydrates. The fat is sent to the liver and converted into ketones, which then enter the
bloodstream and become energy. Check whether ketosis is in the body, you can use special test strips.

To start ketosis, you need to get 75-85% of the energy from fat, 10-15 - from proteins and only 5-10 - from carbohydrates. Accordingly, people eat fatty meats and butter in fairly large quantities, although nutritionists recommend paying attention to avocados, nuts, seeds, and eggs.

And what is the Atkins diet?
Its main goal is to limit carbohydrates, and the degree of hardness depends on how many kilograms you think are superfluous. The most difficult version is the classic Atkins 20 diet, it is divided into four stages, the amount of carbohydrates and the variety of foods gradually increase. When weight decreases, you move to a new level. In the diet at different stages of vegetables, fruits and dairy products are prohibited. In the Atkins diet, 40 bans are not so serious, the variations in nutrition are greater. The numbers indicate the maximum number of grams of carbohydrates per day.

What diet is stricter?
Consider first ketogenic. It does not directly ban sources of carbohydrates like bananas or bread, but it’s better not to get carried away. Even innocent vanilla yogurt contains 24 grams of carbohydrates and can bring the body out of ketosis.

Adherents keto diets eat a lot of saturated fat (cheese, butter, whipped cream) instead of more useful monounsaturated (avocado). Among the good recipes is baked meat with broccoli.

Now about the Atkins diet. At the first stage, it is very tough: nuts, seeds, cheese, fats, proteins, and some low-carb vegetables. Fruits, whole grains, starchy vegetables, soft cheese, fermented milk products are prohibited. Gradually, prohibitions become less, at the last stage, you can eat everything, without going beyond 100 grams of carbohydrates per day.

In the end, it turns out that keto diet tighter, and the Atkins diet - mobile. At the third and fourth stages, there are almost no bans; all fruits are allowed, which can be forgotten in the ketosis mode.

Which diet is easier to follow?
The keto diet is quite complex since carbohydrates are found almost everywhere. Nuts, avocados, yogurts and other fatty foods are literally stuffed with them! In addition, the food must be weighed.

On the Atkins diet is not so important to get 80% of calories from fat, and with it in this sense a little easier.

Interestingly, according to nutritionists' observations, many keto-diet adepts eat more protein and less fat. That is, they adhere to a completely different nutrition plan than they think!

What diet is more beneficial?
Not all experts share the opinion of the benefits of large amounts of fat in weight loss. In some cases, the risks are outweighed. If you eat so many months in a row, vitamins B and C will begin to be flushed out of the body, and the level of cholesterol will increase. Therefore, a ketogenic diet is recommended to keep no longer than 2-3 months.

The Atkins diet looks more beneficial, but there are no studies on long-term effects on the body. However, it is believed that extreme types of food should not become the basis of the diet for a long time.

And you can lose weight?

Both diets provide a fairly quick weight loss, but then he can return. If it is a matter of a few kilograms, it is better to consult with a specialist and go on a healthy diet without having to keep yourself in tight limits.

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