Wednesday, December 19, 2018

This is not said: what will be the sex in old age


This is not said: what will be the sex in old age

Let's start with the good news - sex in old age to be. Perhaps (almost certainly), you and your partner will reconsider the attitude towards him, sex will become something more intimate and sensual for you. But with your body and the body of your partner, certain changes will occur, so you have to adjust.

                    still young 

You will need more lubrication
Additional lubrication is simply necessary if you want sex to be enjoyable. Reducing the amount of estrogen after menopause usually leads to vaginal dryness. Even when you are excited, the lubrication is much less than in youth.

The same estrogen now gives the skin of the genitalia elasticity, and its loss means the loss of elasticity, so that the vagina is no longer so elastic, and the muscles weaken. Fortunately, at the moment there is a huge amount of lubricants, so that hardly in old age your sex life will be boring.

Let's start with an orgasm
This is the second good news: you can have an orgasm, women retain this ability until old age, but this will probably happen more slowly than they do now, for many reasons: medications, self-doubt, changes on the hormonal level ...

Women need more time to get excited and maintain arousal, in addition, sometimes more intense and prolonged stimulation is required. The orgasm itself is no longer so vigorous - due to the fact that the pubic-coccygeal muscle weakens with age. But it can be strengthened with Kegel exercises, and they, by the way, will help you to prevent “leaks” due to the weakness of the bladder.

Not only vaginal sex
Traditional vaginal sex can deliver much less pleasant to you and your partner. About 44% of men aged 65–85 have erection problems. This becomes not only a physical but also a psycho-emotional problem. With the loss of hardness and confidence is lost.

Most older men do not suffer from erectile dysfunction, but from erectile dissatisfaction, especially smokers and people with diabetes. This means that changes occur in the erection mechanism itself after 50 years. Male member can not harden from fantasy alone, a direct impact is necessary. Unfortunately, even small distractions can easily "knock the mood."

But anyway, when men age, their erection becomes “softer”, because the blood flow is no longer so intense, and the level of the male hormone testosterone drops. Yes, and your penetration member may not be so pleasant because of the loss of elasticity. The good news: there are alternatives to vaginal sex.

Have to reconsider poses
Let's acknowledge the fact that in addition to changes in the genital area, other changes are waiting for you. Perhaps a pain in the joints or back will prevent you from having sex in poses that seem comfortable today. Kneeling you is somewhat more difficult and tedious, and in a missionary position, it is difficult for your partner, especially for a long time.

Summing up, we want to say that despite the fact that our bodies and our thoughts will change with age, we should not treat this as something unequivocally bad. If you have to tune out, this is not the end of the world - you have every chance to live a happy sex life.

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