Friday, December 21, 2018

Closer to the body: when to move to a new stage of relations?


Closer to the body: when to move to a new stage of relations?

Case 1. You have a new partner, you barely know each other, and there is a suspicion that what is happening is a one-time action.

There can be no question of any kind of trust: it is how to buy strawberries on the market and immediately taste it - may be lucky or maybe not. Conclusion: only barrier contraception. But if everything in life was so simple, there would be no problems at all (and, perhaps, you and me. :) The emergency did happen? Experts advise you to take an STI test 10 days after unprotected contact, and also be tested for HIV (this test must be repeated after three months).

Case 2. Much love, butterflies and an acute need for complete intimacy - down with convention! Or ... ask for help?
We exhale, this awkward moment can be omitted: pieces of paper do not guarantee anything, they are easily forged and spoil relations well. If the partner is permanent, you are confident in him and you are frank with each other, you can move on to hormonal contraception. Unfortunately, tests for honesty have not yet been invented, therefore it is more rational to check for infections together. "For two" today there is not only a spa and a place in the cinema but also medical examinations for STIs. Then there are enough routine visits to the doctor once a year if nothing bothers you.

Case 3. You are deep in a relationship, and suddenly you or he had an infection. Panic!
In a normal couple, the level of trust is so high that you say it straight: “Darling, I was at the doctor, he said that I have an infection and that it can be transmitted through sexual contact. You'd better check too. ” Pay attention to the linguistic nuance: can be transmitted, but not transmitted (which is true: there is a small, but the risk of contracting a household way). The main thing is not to translate the problem into the plane “are you alone with me, am I alone with you?”. Most couples successfully undergo treatment and live happily.

Case 4. With health, everything is fine, even very ... But you are not ready for children yet!
Agreeing to an unprotected relationship, the girl automatically subscribes to the condition: to settle the consequences for her. Better hold the situation in your hands and choose the appropriate method of contraception together with the gynecologist. Variants of weight: from the usual oral contraceptives to exotic caps and diaphragms. You are afraid of hormones, you forget to take a pill, you do not want your partner to know about protection, there is a solution for each case. A competent doctor will select the method without any questions.

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