Friday, December 21, 2018

Himself an instructor: what causes fitness without rules


Himself an instructor: what causes fitness without rules

If you are your own instructor, be prepared for the fact that training will be less effective and more dangerous. Better at the initial stage to use the services of a professional trainer. If you don’t do this, that’s what it can turn out to be.

Insufficient training results
It is necessary to train correctly, according to a pre-established program. It is necessary to perform exercises on all muscle groups, otherwise the body will develop unevenly.

Chaotic training without systematicity, regularity, cyclicality leads to insufficient results. It seems that you are doing everything right, but for some reason, muscles do not grow, body fat does not go away, strength does not increase, endurance remains at the same level.

 Disappearance of motivation
Most beginners are focused on quick results. It seems to men that if today they come to the gym, then in a month their hands-string should be filled with powerful biceps. Women are convinced that after a few weeks of training, all the fat from the abdomen and buttocks will disappear without a trace.

Unfortunately, this does not happen instantly. Starting a fuse is only enough for a couple of weeks. Then you have to overcome laziness, to show discipline and perseverance. Under the guidance of a coach, this is much easier.

In pursuit of quick results, newcomers often drive themselves into a state of overtraining. They believe that if you practice too often and for a very long time, your muscles will grow faster. In fact, the opposite happens. After 1-2 months of intense and frequent workouts, overtraining may occur. This is a condition in which:

  • weakened muscles;
  • decreases muscle mass;
  • lost motivation;
  • increases the risk of injury.

The main danger of training without an instructor is that you can be injured. This will inevitably happen if you:

  • you do not follow the perfect technique of doing the exercises;
  • trying to take more weight than you can really lift;
  • load yourself too much;
  • you come to the training in a weakened state;
  • you make the wrong training program or you are doing chaotically;
  • you work without a safety net.

Most beginners do not know how to properly perform certain exercises. They act intuitively, not paying attention to many "trifles". For example, how much you need to bend your arms, whether you should straighten your back, in what position your legs should be, etc. Wrong exercise technique leads to the fact that you do not lift weight due to muscle strength, as you overload the connective tissue. The load falls on the ligaments, spine, joints. And not always connective tissue structures can withstand it.

Injury for a long time knocks a person out of the training process. And far from everybody comes back, because in those few weeks, until the beginner athlete recovers, his motivation is lost and the previously achieved results are lost.

Do not do without an instructor. This is fraught with negative consequences, especially injuries. If it is not possible to avoid damage to the ligaments or joints, consult your doctor. There are ways to speed up the healing of tissues. For example, for joint damage, arthrotherapy is used - intra-articular administration of hyaluronate and platelet-rich plasma.

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