Saturday, December 15, 2018

Vacation is like a nightmare: 4 problems leave together - and what it means for relationships


Vacation is like a nightmare: 4 problems leave together - and what it means for relationships

1. One of you is angry because he planned everything himself
Separate responsibilities for preparing for vacation almost more difficult than household chores.
And if one of you bought tickets, chose a hotel, read reviews about restaurants and ordered a taxi, and the other is only happy about the holidays (which is also good, of course), then the first one has a legitimate reason to take offense. It is logical that for those who like to plan everything, it is easier to get along with the same people, and for those who just go and see where the road leads, with the same spontaneous travelers.

It is important to remember that the planning vacation does not only for himself but also for the partner. It would be great if someone who is not interested in planning, will provide little help or at least express his opinion. However, if the one who planned everything does not accept any criticism and does not tolerate changes, the second one should think about whether he is ready to agree with everything in the coming years.

2. You have different requirements for rest
Considering that vacation is not cheap, everyone wants to have time to do and see as much as possible. But what if one of you loves cities and the other loves beaches?

If you have a good relationship, you will try to find a compromise. For example, half the time spent on excursions, and the second - to lie on the beach. You can share for some events that are of interest to only one of you. Another option is to go on a cruise, where you can choose - go to different cities or enjoy your vacation.

3. You swear on trifles
For example, when and where to have dinner. This is already a stressful situation, and already on vacation! Traveling often shows the side of human nature you want to hide.

Remember that on vacation no one is obliged to be happy 24 hours a day! If you can not agree, postpone the conversation until later. But if a partner starts screaming and threatening to part, if you do not agree, this is a very bad sign.

4. You keep quarreling and spoiling your vacation
Perhaps in ordinary life, you do not spend so much time with each other, but it turned out that everything is very bad, and all the conflicts got out. Best of all is to make it to the end of the holiday and talk heart to heart at home. On vacation, most often there is no place to go to take a breath and think over the arguments, and the degree of quarrel heats up literally from scratch.

In any case, the fact that you do not have the same expectations for the vacation does not mean that it’s time for you to leave. But if a partner shows himself in such a way that you would prefer not to know him, think about whether it is time to take a difficult but necessary decision.

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