Friday, December 21, 2018

You deserve more! 9 recommendations on how to ask for a pay raise


You deserve more! 9 recommendations on how to ask for a pay raise

1. More responsibility

The success of the conversation with the authorities laid long before you sit down to discuss your requests. A couple of months before that, try to show yourself as best you can: take additional responsibility, show the makings of a manager, take part in non-work activities related to charity and volunteering. In general, look wider at your work!

2. Promote yourself
Create a list of achievements: customer thanks, projects outside of your responsibilities, publications, and speaking at conferences. This portfolio will help you in conversation: you understand what you are worth and what you want. Remember that the boss may not be aware of your achievements in every detail! If you are embarrassed to approach the big boss directly, ask your immediate supervisor to put in a good word for you or contact the heads of other departments for a characterization.

3. Prepare the soil
A week before the conversation, ask the authorities for a moment of attention and tell them that you want to meet and talk about your work. The manager will know that you will not come empty-handed. In addition, you will gain control over the conversation before it starts! Having transparent intentions is very important.

4. Highlight the main thing
During the conversation, talk about those projects in which your participation is most noticeable. You can tell more about the duties and how you can be useful to the company.

5. Keep the numbers in your head
No need to ask the head to announce the figures for the new salary. Decide how much you want to receive, and name it yourself. Explore the market, find out the cost of a specialist of your level, and if the current salary is clearly not enough, tell about it.

6. Practice
Try to have a rough talk, for example, talk to your friend, think about the questions you may be asked (especially uncomfortable ones), as well as your answers. So you will look more confident.

7. tune in
Prepare in advance for everything to go well. Reassure yourself that you are worth it and have the right to increase! Do not consider the conversation a battle, let it be an audit of your capabilities.

8. Do not be embarrassed
Look at the boss in the eye, speak in a normal even voice. It is very important.

9. Improvise
If the conversation went wrong, as you wanted, figure out how to get out. Have a backup plan. For example, they will give you an additional bonus for completing some tasks or they will begin to raise salaries gradually. As a last resort, ask when you can come up about raising again, and whether the company will pay for the training, after which you will be able to qualify for more. In any case, empty-handed you are unlikely to leave!

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