Thursday, December 20, 2018

For whom do we do the wedding? Or 6 types of newlyweds


For whom do we do the wedding? Or 6 types of newlyweds

The weddings that Yegor Pirogov holds are distinguished by the atmosphere of an elegant dinner, where, on the one hand, all the secular frameworks of decency are observed, and on the other, the guests are immersed insincere and warm informal communication. Over the years of work, Yegor had to classify for himself, as professional, various categories of couples. It turned out that the most striking distinctive features that set the vector for everything that happens can be seen simply by asking the couple: “For whom are you doing the wedding?”.

The division turned out to be funny in places, sometimes painfully familiar, but absolutely even. Do you recognize yourself?

For the bride

In the modern sense, this is a classic, airy picture, full of pastel shades, delicate details and touching moments. The presenter at such an event maintains a lyrical line so that all the guests know for whom this wedding is.

For the groom

When the driver of the couple is the man who actively makes all the decisions, the wedding preparation may also be the focus of his attention. Then the color of the holiday turns out very special: concise, discreet and brutal. Without powder. And the selection of artists and design strictly correspond to the male philosophy of what should be a wedding. The leader, in this case, becomes less sentimental but more restrained and concrete.

For relatives

Wedding for moms, dads, grandparents, nephews, cousins ​​and second cousins. And for a group of relatives from Krasnodar. It is more appropriate to call such an event not elegantly - “wedding dinner”, but simply and in Russian - “wedding”. I'll explain now. Relatives are sometimes quite strongly pressed in favor of a different scenario with traditional moments, which, along with the theft of the bride, will at the same time steal your exquisite idea. Get a good Russian wedding. Warn the leader, he should be ready.

For colleagues and business partners

When the bride and groom took place in the profession and such a component as their own positioning is very important for them, the wedding becomes a little more like a corporate party. The leadership and colleagues are present at the celebration, so the newlyweds are in the shadow, modest and try, first of all, to please the guests. Very important guests.

For Instagram

The brightest category of couples are stars, celebrities, and bloggers. They invite wedding agencies and professionals, who also have the unofficial "star" mark. In the first place are videographers and photographers, who must unconditionally listen to everyone else, so as not to spoil the media moment of fame. It is easy to lead these weddings because such newlyweds have similar guests: active, talkative, courageous and ready for experiments.

For whom they just do not

In conclusion, I will tell one story. Once I led a wedding for our smaller friends - the four-legged favorites of the couple, who were among the invited and sat proudly at the table. Because of the allergy of the groom, the cats were brought to the mother-in-law. The former owner quickly missed her favorites and prepared a special place and a wedding menu for them. As a result, pets became the protagonists with whom the newlyweds even had to compete in the struggle for public attention.

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