Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Need to talk: 4 important problems in a relationship that it’s time to finally solve


Need to talk: 4 important problems in a relationship that it’s time to finally solve

1. Fear of failure
It arises unexpectedly, and in a variety of situations. Sometimes both of you are so scared that the partner will not take by the hand or kiss goodbye, which affects the relationship as a whole. A man feels not strong enough, you - not enough desire.
Because of such trifles, relationships sometimes end. Hiding your feelings is bad! If he did or said something that offended you, have the courage (it will be easier later) and say: “I wanted to go with you by the hand, you refused, I am sad”. With such a phrase, you can begin productive communication.

2. The desire to hide depression from partner
Or another mental disorder. Not everyone is ready to open up to a partner, to show himself entirely, especially men. As a result, the problem is not solved, and this leads to potentially dangerous behavior and only worsens the situation. But since you are together and in good relations, why do you think that he will certainly not understand the problem and leave you? Do not be afraid to look defenseless, close people are ready to help and support.

3. Financial problems
This aspect often concerns men who believe that women love them only for an impressive bank account. As a rule, they are mistaken. But if you earn more, he also becomes unhappy and may even become depressed. All these situations need to be discussed, not silenced, pretending that everything is in order.

4. Sexual problems

This topic, despite all the achievements of modern society, remains, perhaps, the most disliked in the communication of most couples. For example, he worries that he is not good enough in bed, you - that you rarely get an orgasm, and both of you end up suffering, without explaining anything to each other. If it is difficult for both of them to open, arrange an evening of revelations and discuss at least some of the problems (until it turns out that you simply thought up a lot of things!). In the end, it will become much easier for you to understand what your partner expects from sex.

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