Friday, December 14, 2018

New Year's Promises: 8 Right Goals That Can Be Reached


New Year's Promises: 8 Right Goals That Can Be Reached

1. Plank 2-3 times a week
Instead of a vague “to be in good shape”, set a more specific goal: to make the bar regularly. This will help to improve the coordination of movements, train the muscular corset and generally feel better. Start with a plan for a minute, gradually increase the time.

2. Make a training plan for the week
If you regularly go in for sports, you can work out a training plan every week. For example, on Monday - a group lesson, on Wednesday - strength training, on Friday - running.

3. Walk 10 thousand steps a day
Even if you constantly drive a car, you can get up in the far part of the parking lot, and in the evenings just walk around the area. Walking is useful not only for muscles but also for joints, heart, and brain.

4. Make one meal with vegetables
Many people eat far fewer vegetables than they would. Solve the question radically and once a day eat only vegetables in any form.

5. Eat one less sweet
Only one sweet product per day is less - and very soon you will see the result.

6. Go to bed at the same time.
It helps to keep weight under control and get enough energy to not get tired by the end of the day. Even two or three nights in a row with less sleep than necessary, have a bad effect on brain function.

7. Take time for yourself
At least 10 minutes a day. Think about something pleasant, walk, just breathe. And do not hurry anywhere.

8. Remove social network icons from the main screen

Nowadays it is very easy to get stuck on the clock in social networks when they constantly send notifications and shine on the main screen of the smartphone. Turn off notifications and hide icons in a folder - the hand will be less likely to reach for them.

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