Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Eat spinach - save hair: 6 products that will make hair healthy


Eat spinach - save hair: 6 products that will make hair healthy

Main power
Hair requires quite a lot of vitamins and minerals:

vitamin A
B vitamins, especially B6 and B12
vitamin d
omega-3 fatty acids,
If everything seems to be enough, but there are problems with hair, this may be due to diseases of internal organs, such as thyroid gland. In this case, contact your doctor.

1. Nuts
Studies have shown that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids reduce hair loss and stimulate their growth. In addition, peanut oil is a natural emollient for the scalp and hair follicles. In nuts a lot of vitamins B and E, as well as zinc. Vitamin E is especially beneficial for hair - when paired with selenium, it helps cells stay healthy and resist inflammation of the scalp.

2. Oysters
WHO considers iron deficiency the most common phenomenon on Earth - 80% of people are experiencing a shortage. Even small changes in iron levels can affect hair health. You can get it, for example, from red meat, greens, whole-grain products, legumes, and egg yolk, but one of the most powerful sources is oysters. In each of the - 4.5 mg of iron and 14 mg of zinc.

3. Spinach
This is another excellent source of iron. In addition, it is rich in folic acid and vitamins A and C. The latter is important for the synthesis of collagen and strengthen hair.

4. Beef
Red meat is very rich in iron and omega-3 fatty acids: in one small portion - 2 mg of iron, 6 g of beneficial unsaturated fats and 22 g of protein.

5. Eggs
Source of protein and biotin, which is also very important for hair. In addition, they contain vitamin D.

6. Salmon

Fatty fish like tuna and salmon are rich in protein, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, linoleic acid. These ingredients improve the condition of the scalp and help the hair look better.

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