Wednesday, December 19, 2018

5 things that are not scary to forget at home in 2018


5 things that are not scary to forget at home in 2018 

Today, you can leave home without documents and credit cards, but not without a smartphone - our life is packed with all possible amenities. We decided to remember how, thanks to technology, your bag has become lighter over the past few years. This is not a complete list of things that in 2018 can be safely left at home.

Forgot an umbrella or went out in the snow in suede ankle boots?
No need to return - a couple of clicks and Hyundai Solaris will be at your address within 5 minutes. Affordable and super fast taxi services have made moving around the city much easier. Rain, snow and changeable weather conditions can no longer take us by surprise. And knowing that Yandex. Taxi or Uber will take you to a party for 200 rubles, you make spontaneous decisions much more willingly.

Food to work
Boil chicken breast and buckwheat, sort food into containers, carry them to and from work ... Eating at home is good, but difficult. Of course, no one has canceled business lunches, but if you know the menu of the nearest cafe by heart, it's time for a change. Together with the spread of food delivery services - for example, Yandex.Food - you have a thousand options for lunch for a very affordable price. You want - choose baked tofu,  and for dessert, you can make vegan brownies.

Cosmetic bag
“Draw” a face, if the time was running out in the morning, you can, having in your bag only a few means. Now the market has a lot of multifunctional products. Cream pigments of pastel shades can replace blush, shadows, and lipstick, a tonal tool should be purchased in the format of a stick, and eyebrows lay color gel.

Books, magazines, podcasts - everything is available online. You can purchase a monthly subscription in an app like Bookmate and read everything you have dreamed about in a year, but there was not enough time and space on the bookshelf. Finally, you can take on the legendary "Magus" the size of a weighty brick! Do you want to strain your eyes? Then listen - a million podcasts are available on the Web on all sorts of topics: relationships, news, art. Even the longest journey will seem an exciting journey!

“I forgot my wallet at home” is no longer an excuse for stingy men on the first date. Plastic cards, cash, credit cards, travel cards - all this fit in one smartphone. Even the boarding pass for the aircraft can be stored in an electronic wallet. Recently, Sberbank, in partnership with Visa, decided to make our life even easier and came up with a card without a plastic carrier. Already, you can order a digital Visa card in the Sberbank Online mobile application - free of charge and in one minute. No queues or waiting, just add a card to Google, Apple or Samsung Pay and start using.

I almost forgot: along with a convenient digital card you get free access to unlimited Yandex. Music, discounts on Yandex.Taxi, a movie without advertising on KinoPoisk and the possibility of free delivery from Beru. It is enough to spend from 20 000 rubles per month on a digital map. In addition, those who acquire a new digital Visa offer some advantages of Platinum cards. For example, a 50% discount on a one-year subscription at MediaTek, discounts on books in Liters or 50,000 points on purchases from the Azbuka Vkusa online store. We think that this is exactly what an ideal map should be - easy to use and with lots of useful features.

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