Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Talk about the past: 4 rules, how to tell a new partner about the former


Talk about the past: 4 rules, how to tell a new partner about the former

1. Do not rush
Wait at least until the third date and carefully translate the conversation on this topic. For example, if you are
discussing TV shows, you can ask how long it takes to use the password of a former guy. Or, for example, between times to mention that you have already been to this cafe.

2. Do not ask about the quantity
First, for your relationship, it does not matter. Secondly, the figure may shock you.

3. Don't be too strict
Describe the former as you would have described the boss at the interview. If you say that he was bad, you might think that you are not ideal either. You should not tell that you broke up because of his stupidity, just the characters did not agree.

4. No names!

Even if you really want to tell all the details, this is superfluous information. You might think, you still haven't stopped mentally returning to him! If this relationship suits you, then the previous ones really were not very good.

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