Thursday, December 13, 2018

Do not spend money on it: 10 New Year's gifts that nobody needs


Do not spend money on it: 10 New Year's gifts that nobody needs

Senseless and merciless waste of paper: firstly, the calendar is not needed, because it is in the phone.
Secondly, those who need a wall calendar themselves buy the one that, to their taste, is beautiful or comfortable. Third, the calendar is still presented to you. And, fourthly, the best way to turn any interior into a parody of the registry of the city polyclinic is to hang the calendar with the symbol of the year. In general, do not give it.

Beautiful, but tasteless New Year's sweets
A sweet gift is a convenient thing: it is inexpensive, it will come in handy anyway, and it seems like you didn’t come empty-handed. And even those who do not like sweets are usually resigned to such a gift: they don’t ask themselves, sweets, they don’t ask for food, you can serve tea, all the same, all the holidays are endless guests. All this is true, of course, if we are talking about a box of chocolates. But special New Year's presents - painted cookies, gingerbread houses, sweet Christmas decorations - are usually expensive and inedible. Do not give them, if you do not want a piece of pinch pinned out from the gift, twisted and thrown into the trash.

Cosmetics and hygiene products
About the "Hedgehog, you would have washed!" Did not joke just lazy, yes. Well and, besides, there is nothing easier than not guessing with the smell, type of product or shade, if we are talking about decorative cosmetics that you give to a friend. If you really want, better give a certificate to the store.

Belts, wallets, gloves (and socks for a sweet, yes-yes) are very strange gifts: on the one hand, things seem to be useless, on the other - nothing shouts so loudly for you: “How can I know what to give you? ! ”This is the first. And the second: there is nothing easier than not to guess again, but to throw out an inappropriate accessory is much more complicated than a tasteless gingerbread: the thing is useful! Let him lie down. Pleases!

Handmade gifts
Before the New Year, any online publication publishes articles and workshops on the topic "How to make a cool gift with your own hands." Do you know why? In order to entertain you, and not at all so that you really began to sculpt a gift from what you got. If you are not a master of handmade and do not make a living selling your products, such a gift is not your story. No, the truth: to tie someone a cool hat - yes, it's great if knitting is your long-term hobby (well, let it be, if not a profession). In other cases, leave the option "a gift with your own hands" for children of preschool and primary school age.

Christmas gifts
Yes, the same symbols of the year, and also Christmas tree decorations (an exception is a gift to a collector of Christmas tree toys, but then the toy should be rare, unusual or antique, Chinese stamping will not work), candles, snowballs and plates painted with winter landscapes. Values ​​in all this are exactly zero, and the gratitude of the giver will be on the same level.

Funny gifts
It’s not a fact that you were born in those years when jokes were really valuable: the last time this happened in 1995 when shops with such souvenirs just opened. However, and then they could please mostly kids. And keep in mind: worse than men's pants in the form of an elephant can only be souvenirs with the jokes of Yevgeny Vaganovich perpetuated on them.

Things useful in everyday life
Exceptions to this rule: you give a gift by checking with the wish-list; you give a gift to a very close person, knowing for sure that he will be glad to him. In other cases, you only multiply the amount of trash in someone else's apartment. No, really: the next time you find yourself in a household goods store, try to hold in your hand the “not yours” conventional frying pan - the most uncomfortable, in your opinion. And imagine that each of your mornings scrambled eggs begins with the thing that annoys you. Presented? Now imagine a person who can unmistakably guess which of the pans on countless shelves is exactly “yours”. Are you laughing at?

Home accessories
And again you will not guess: the vase will not fit into the interior, the glasses will suit red wine, and the owners of the house drink only brut (and they have not informed you about this), they will want to throw darts into the picture, so it does not coincide with their sense of beauty. Just do not. And no photo frames!

A gift that will disappoint expectations

The worst gift in the world. If your head is suddenly visited by a bright thought, “But I will make a surprise,” it is better to throw it away at once. Or, in extreme cases, add a surprise to the main gift. True, there is a nuance: firstly, you should be told that they are waiting for this particular gift, and secondly, you should have the opportunity to purchase it. In general, if someone expects a new iPhone from you, and you only have money for chocolate, these are not deceived expectations. But if suddenly you promised someone a loving kitten, and you are going to present a set of "Lego" - this will be the worst gift in the world. It’s better to donate the rest of the list, but a kitten is a must!

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