Thursday, December 13, 2018

How hot it is! 9 health related causes of fever


How hot it is! 9 health related causes of fever

1. Prediabetes
If sweating increases at night and you stop taking out the heat, your body may not cope with the
normalization of blood sugar levels. This means that insulin resistance develops and prediabetes is likely.

2. Problems with thyroid
If it is too active, the metabolism accelerates and you feel hot. Other symptoms - weight change, fatigue, rapid heartbeat - indicate a decrease in thyroid function, and this is an occasion to visit an endocrinologist.

3. Stress or anxiety
These conditions also cause intolerance to heat due to the release of adrenaline. It is useful to do breathing exercises, walk or meditate.

4. Pregnancy
During ovulation, the body temperature may slightly increase, as in pregnancy. About the moments when it gets hot, tell about 30% of pregnant women.

5. Caffeine
Some people can not exist without coffee, but its constant use also leads to a feeling of overheating. In addition, caffeine increases heartbeat.

6. Spicy dishes
Too hot sauce “ignites” the mouth and causes the body to resist the problem. The blood flow raises to deliver more blood to the affected area - tongue, throat, sky, and you feel hot.

7. Medicines
Some medications for diabetes, depression, and pain can cause hot flashes as a side effect.

8. Disease
Not only viral infections with fever can create this effect, but also, for example, stomach problems or skin rashes.

9. Alcohol

He disperses the blood through the body and becomes as if warmer. The second peak is in a few hours when the liver removes the decay products of alcohol.

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