Friday, December 14, 2018

Visualize it: 6 ways to quickly get away from sad thoughts


Visualize it: 6 ways to quickly get away from sad thoughts

1. Breathing
There are many breathing practices, but not all are suitable for relaxation. Experts recommend trying the five-second method: inhale, hold, exhale, hold —
and spend 5 seconds at each stage, and only breathe for three minutes.

2. Drawing
Take paper and pencil - and start drawing. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to do it! Sketches help reduce cortisol levels, which has been confirmed by several studies. It is no wonder that coloring for adults is so popular lately! Drawing and coloring help to get rid of problems and achieve the desired relaxation.

3. Other creativity
If you don’t draw, you can learn calligraphy, dance, play a musical instrument, sculpt from clay, grow plants, embroider a cross, write stories, sew ... Any kind of creativity will do, even if it is a crochet.

4. Walking
In a big city, it is almost impossible to retire and stop thinking about work and other important things. But if you are lucky to have a park nearby, or at least a walking alley, go there for at least ten minutes. No phone! You will see: almost immediately it will become easier.

5. Visualization
Do you remember how in childhood your parents suggested that you present something very pleasant to ward off thoughts of the monster under the bed? Sunny lawn, calm lake, majestic mountains - each has its own idea of ​​which picture to distract. This is visualization. You can do the same now. Imagine a place where you are calm and happy, remember pleasant scenes from movies - do everything to make the picture in your head look like reality. Just a few minutes - and you are much calmer than before.

6. Sport

Another way to escape from sad thoughts is to play sports! People often forget about him, but you should focus on the movements of the legs and arms or set a new personal record - and this will take your thoughts for a while. And there and the unpleasant will recede.

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