Friday, December 21, 2018

Strong marriage is not a myth: 4 important tips from a family psychologist


Strong marriage is not a myth: 4 important tips from a family psychologist

1. The partner is not perfect.
What does it mean? A good marriage does not keep on an ideal husband or wife. If this were so,
the units would marry, and in that case, the family would not last long, because only one is beautiful! A strong marriage rests on two compatible partners, and each is looking for good features in the other. Mutual support, respect, forgiveness - that's what really matters.

2. The other person will not replace the whole world for you.
Many couples have unrealistic expectations that the marriage relationship will help fill the void in the soul or bring together the life that has been broken into pieces. And if you got married, expecting that the spouse will be your best friend, trainer, parent substitute, you will be disappointed. You don't need to rely on your partner in everything, you have friends, family and you yourself.

If it seems to you that one person really copes with all these roles, you should take off your rose-colored glasses and look at the situation realistically. From this, your relationship will benefit!

3. You get from the marriage that invested
Working on relationships, giving them time and energy, you will most likely be rewarded. It is important to discuss what is happening with a partner and understand what you want to come to. If one of you is not satisfied with something, you do not need to keep it in yourself either.

4. Marriage is an investment
The better your emotional connection (kindness, support, admiration, respect), the more positive “contributions” in the bank of emotions. And if you forget about anniversaries, buy expensive things without agreement (if you agreed to discuss), the bank will be empty. Create good memories, enjoy each other - all this will come in handy!

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