Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Hangover myths: 7 misconceptions that only worsen the condition


Hangover myths: 7 misconceptions that only worsen the condition

1. Milk
Everyone knows that before taking alcohol you should eat well, because alcohol gets from the stomach into the bloodstream, and with an empty stomach you can get drunk very quickly.
However, other liquids, including milk, also quickly leave the stomach - and this means that they do not in any way slow down the speed of action of alcohol.

2. Beer in the morning
This is a fairly common method of treating a hangover, but there is little point in it. Symptoms of a hangover develop when the concentration of alcohol decreases, and the worst thing is when everything is already done.

3. Heavy food
On the contrary, it can worsen the situation. Fatty food is slowly digested, and the stomach only gets worse. It is better to eat fruit and replenish the balance of nutrients.

4. Toilet visit
The special challenge of vomiting helps a little. You lose water and beneficial electrolytes, you feel thirsty. In addition, if you are already drunk, cleansing the stomach will not help.

5. Acceptance of painkillers before bedtime
They begin to act in half an hour and grab them for 4-6 hours, so you will oversleep all possible pain. And at the same time - load the liver. In addition, the components of many drugs affect the walls of the stomach, making it only getting worse.

6. Sport
Difficult hangover exercises will do more harm than good. Dehydration is one of the main causes of a hangover, and the sport will only remove more water from the body and make the heart beat even faster.

7. Coffee
Also worsens the situation. It speeds up the heartbeat, makes you sweat and only prolongs the unpleasant state. Yes, it will help to wake up, but is the price too high?

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