Thursday, December 20, 2018

Oh stupid and boring: what do the labels that we hang on people hide?


Oh stupid and boring: what do the labels that we hang on people hide?

1. Lazy
People often use this word, for example, when they didn’t do what they should have done,
or when someone failed them. “You're lazy,” we say, implying that something is wrong with a person, he is not able or willing to do the work. In general, the opinion about him is deteriorating. This leads to difficulties in communication, learning difficulties, stress, and even more serious problems when the label penetrates the brain and becomes fixed there. Instead, it is worth thinking about how to adjust the work, return the focus of attention to the right moments - and try to avoid such miscalculations anymore.

2. Boring
“I'm bored!” - often say modern children and less often - adults. A state of boredom means having carefully concealed emotions, such as deep anxiety about what we spend time on. We do not fight with this anxiety but skip to boredom, which looks like a simple explanation of the unpleasant state. If you think about it, boredom can hide the lack of self-confidence and the habit of sacrificing your needs for other people.

3. Hypocritical
Calling someone a hypocrite is a convenient way to get away from conflict without trying to solve it. When we consider that there can be only one view of a problem, we automatically lose the ability to look at the whole picture. It is important to remember that moral values ​​and ethical decisions may be different in different situations.

4. Spoiled
This word is sometimes referred not only to children. It gives anger and frustration, allowing to evaluate the behavior of others to the position of criticism. Nowadays, it is easy to call a person spoiled if he gets something without the necessary effort. Often, behind this label lies guilt due to the fact that it was we who allowed the other person to become spoiled (usually this concerns parents and children). This is another excuse not to delve into the essence of the problem.

5. stupid
This word can be addressed to itself - and then it is a reason to reconsider self-esteem. Perhaps the person considered himself too clever and advanced but made a couple of blunders. When this label is placed on another, it is usually accompanied by derogatory remarks, and for what people would not call themselves such a word. In general, overly involved in the division of others into stupid and intelligent is not worth it.

6. Selfish
Often, this label is stuck in childhood, when parents react in a similar way to the wishes (sometimes quite normal). If this word is addressed to itself, it is worth checking whether the inquiries really do not correspond to the norm, or we scold ourselves in vain, lowering our self-esteem.


Obviously, the labels hide some serious problem, most often associated with relationships with others, distancing us from each other and destroying self-esteem. But if you understand that labeling is a bad habit and stop using them, the emotional picture of the world will very soon improve. It will be possible to make the right choice in communication, become closer, empathize and not get upset over trifles. Worth trying!

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