Thursday, December 13, 2018

7 questions to the specialist about gray hair - and is it possible to delay it


7 questions to the specialist about gray hair - and is it possible to delay it

1. When do women usually turn white?
As a rule, the process begins after 30 (but sometimes earlier), on average, by the age of fifty, the hair becomes a half gray.

2. Why is this happening?
Gray hair is a combination of normally dyed (pigmented) hair and unstained. At some point, the body stops producing the pigment melanin in the right quantity.

3. Is it possible to stop the process?
Nutrition and hormones can affect hair color, as well as stress. But by and large, a predisposition to early or late gray hair is genetically determined. If the parents turned gray early, then the children are likely to turn gray at a relatively young age. In addition, whites (when compared with African Americans and Asians) get white before, and diseases like diabetes, malignant anemia and thyroiditis may also affect this process.

4. What should I eat to keep my hair healthy?
The hair consists of keratin, so they need protein. The presence in the diet of eggs and fish helps to fill its shortage. Iron, calcium, zinc, vitamins B6, B12, and D are also very important.

6. What change in lifestyle?
Because hair is a barometer of health, any concern for them is helpful. Proper nutrition with enough protein and carbohydrates, regular health checks, of course, is needed.

7. Should I massage my scalp?
Yes, it is useful, as well as masks for hair roots. But you should not be zealous with this: the violation of the fat balance can harm the hair.

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