Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Last battle: 12 recommendations, how to remove a couple of extra pounds


Last battle: 12 recommendations, how to remove a couple of extra pounds

1. Do not buy what you are pursuing
Chips, cookies, extra candy with a new taste. If all this is at home, it is difficult to stay, especially when the body is used to certain products. Replace them with healthy food:
instead of dessert, eat a banana, and bite off ice cream from a child's portion of ice cream.

2. Count the calories.
Much of them appear from the inconspicuous snacks with the remainder of the dinner and a piece of cheese, and as a result, you didn’t eat properly but gained calories. You start to keep a diary - you will quickly notice it.

3. Lose weight with a friend
You can motivate each other in the chat. Or tell about your desire in social networks and regularly report on the progress.

4. Look at the serving size.
Many people are switching to seemingly good nutrition, but continue to eat a lot. Buy plates with a diameter smaller and do not get enough to dump.

5. Prepare yourself
In this case, you definitely eat fewer calories and sugar than if you eat out all the time.

6. Do not avoid dietary fiber and fat.
The first is digested for a long time, providing saturation. There are many of them in wholegrain products, vegetables, and fruits. Healthy fats are found in nuts and olive oil, they provide energy and help the body absorb nutrients.

7. Do not go to the gym through force
If you do not feel any desire to go to fitness, start a little exercise at home. On the Internet, there are enough video tutorials on any sports topic. In addition, you can buy a home exercise bike, ellipse or treadmill.

8. Eat small versions of your favorite foods.
For example, if you like hazelnut roll, you can bake it in tiny forms.

9. Focus on pleasant
Instead of regretting that you can not eat a big piece of cake, pay attention to the positive changes in the diet and celebrate when they become a habit.

10. Drink more water.
For example, in the morning you can drink a glass of warm water with lemon and honey. Besides the fact that it is tasty, this drink also helps the immune system.

11. Delight yourself with something besides food.
If you like to seize trouble, try replacing the reception of extra calories with a session in the bathroom or a message from a partner.

12. In the refrigerator - only useful.

Vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs - leave only in the fridge, after eating what your conscience does not begin to torture. And you won’t notice how quickly those unnecessary kilos will evaporate!

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