Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Fake holidays: 5 reasons why you are not happy with them


Fake holidays: 5 reasons why you are not happy with them

1. You have a seasonal breakdown.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAR) is not currently considered a medical diagnosis. However, it can affect appetite, sleep, concentration, mood, and level of fatigue. Short daylight hours, cold,
gray sky - all this does not add to the positive. The purchase of a daylight llama or a light alarm clock, as well as a discussion of a course of vitamins with a doctor, helps.

2. It is necessary to be in time much
I wonder why the New Year holidays require such large-scale preparations? Decorating the house, buying gifts, baking, parties, and corporate parties ... For some, these are complex duties. If you don't like it all, learn to refuse invitations and delegate preparations. Try to keep the balance between engagement and fatigue.

3. Do you have unpleasant memories associated with the holidays
Sexual abuse, parting, illness of a loved one - if something happened during the period of universal festivities, it becomes more difficult to enjoy the holidays. The past can influence the point of view, but should not affect your choice. Try to focus on the good.

4. You are lonely
Maybe I recently broke up, you live far away from family and friends ... Few people love holidays alone. You can spend them on sad thoughts about how you could change everything, but it does not help. Try at least to virtually communicate with loved ones, make new acquaintances.

5. It seems to you that you should be happy, but this is not so.
Scroll through the social networks - it feels like everyone is smiling and getting ready all around, but you are not doing anything. Think about the fact that this is someone else's ideas, and you can have your own. Find out what is important to you. Do not need a tree? Do not want New Year's Eve? So don't do it through force! And if you feel that you can not cope - refer to a specialist.

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