Friday, December 7, 2018

5 winter skin treatments that really work


5 winter skin treatments that really work

1. Normalize the “weather in the house“

Do you use a moisturizer before bedtime, and in the morning you discover that the skin is still dry and hard? This is due to the heating in the apartment. Yes, no matter how unusual it may sound, but your skin can hardly withstand the overdried air heated by apartment batteries. And the moisturizer here is not able to help,
because it attracts moisture from the outside, but in the dried-up flat air, there is simply no place to take it. So he has to expend water reserves from the deep layers of the dermis, overdrying your skin. The solution is to purchase a humidifier, which easily normalizes the “weather in the house” and gives the skin natural moisturizing.

2. Do wet makeup

Ice wind and sleet traumatize your skin, making it dry and lifeless. If you do not want to get a chapped face, we advise you to give up “dry” cosmetics for the time of cold weather, as it dries out the skin in winter. Better use oily blush, gel eyeliner and creamy eyeshadow - this makeup will give the effect of moisture and well-groomed face. And in any case, do not apply a moisturizer before leaving the house! The moisture contained in the cream, frozen in the cold air, becomes "prickly" and spoils your delicate skin.

3. Treat your skin with oxygen cocktails.

If the usual moisturizing masks are no longer working, then let your skin taste the oxygen cocktail, which is able to saturate it with oxygen in a matter of seconds. To cook it, take 2 tbsp. l fresh leaves of peppermint, chamomile and 0.5 cups of milk. Boil the milk and pour it your wonderful herbs. Then cover the mixture and let it brew. As soon as the mixture has cooled, simply filter it through cheesecloth. It remains only to put the resulting cocktail on the skin with a cotton pad and leave for half an hour. In 30 minutes you will be able to enjoy the result - a fresh and moisturized face, literally shining beauty and health.

4. Buy appropriate care

In winter, it is better to give preference not to moisturizing, but to nourishing creams, in the recipe of which there are active ingredients, oils, vitamins, and minerals. They will give the skin a smooth and healthy glow. But keep in mind, if you are the owner of oily or combination skin, then a cream with such a rich composition can provoke a rash. In this case, you will suit lighter textures with unsaturated fatty acids. Hyaluronic acid will be a good addition to winter care. It not only moisturizes but also covers the skin with a protective film, not allowing water to evaporate: you can safely go on long walks without fear of prickly frost and wind!

5. Feel Cleopatra in the milk bath.

Treat yourself and your skin by taking a relaxing bath with whole milk. This ancient recipe is known since the time of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. Milk contains lactic acid, which gently exfoliates the skin, making it smooth and soft. Well, if you want the queen of Egypt to envy your velvety skin, use a homemade cream body scrub in front of the bathroom: mix 300 grams of pounded sea salt with a half cup of thick cream. After the first procedure, you will notice how much more tender and silky your skin has become. Now spending winter evenings in the bath will be not only pleasant for the soul, but also beneficial for the body!

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