Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Stay without dinner: 5 reasons why you should not skip meals


Stay without dinner: 5 reasons why you should not skip meals

1. Weight is dropping, but it's a trap.
Of course, most often food is skipped to lose weight. Interval fasting has benefits like losing weight and a
short feeling of well-being. But if you skip meals to punish yourself, you better not do it! If you sing later, or if you become overwhelmed by hunger, transfer it, there will be no result. It is better to skip the evening meal, and for breakfast and lunch to eat normally.

2. You risk eating more
Studies have shown that when the stress of lack of food is added to hunger, a person can eat it with a large amount of food or even start eating everything that is not pinned. Refusing to eat dinner and grabbing sugar donuts on the way is a bad option.

3. Feel tired
The reason for this is a drop in blood glucose levels. When the brain receives less nutrition, it begins to slow down the body.

4. The mood will spoil
With the skip of food sugar falls, and with it - the mood. When you feel bad, you can start eating everything.

5. Weight won't stay low for long.
Fresh research has shown that interval starvation and a healthy diet have similar long-term results, but starving people are still more likely to “eat up” pounds dropped.

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