Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Sex after childbirth exists: 5 basic rules


Sex after childbirth exists: 5 basic rules

Katerina Bibisheva, trainer and creator of the Vagimagiya Intimate Gymnastics School, told how to return to sex life after giving birth.

Rule 1: Time
Wait for your health care provider to let you have sex. Usually after 2 months after giving birth, most women return to full intimate life.

Sometimes, under the influence of one's own feelings or persuasion by a partner, it is difficult to sustain this time frame. Remember that premature sex can lead to the development of inflammatory diseases. Childbirth is a strong strain on the pelvic floor muscles, and even if you have given birth without breaks and episiotomy, microdamages may remain in the vaginal canal.

Rule 2: Relax
It takes time for your body to recover. This will happen most quickly if you love him. Let your partner touch you and do not rush to have sex immediately.

Rule 3: Lubrication
After birth, the concentration of estrogen in the blood drops sharply, and this becomes not only the cause of postpartum depression, but also the cause of dryness in the vaginal canal. Therefore, if you care about your sex life, then pre-stock up with a hypoallergenic water-based lubricant, so as not to harm the microflora in the vaginal canal.

Rule 4: Condoms
Without them, you should not have sex after giving birth. In addition to protection from unplanned pregnancy, a condom will protect you from infections. Yes, it can cause resentment from your partner, but in the 21st century, people have learned to make ultra-thin condoms that will give you a 100% natural feeling.

Rule 5: Rebuild Muscles
The idea that you have become “everything is so wide and not the way it was before”, will not give you back the feeling that you are a sexy goddess.

By the way, the vaginal canal itself, if we compare it before pregnancy and 2 months after birth, changes by only a few millimeters. What really suffers is the muscles that surround the vaginal canal. They give the feeling of "strong grip member." Fortunately, their condition can be not only returned, but even improved by doing intimate gymnastics. Strong and elastic muscles of the pelvic floor will make not only pleasant to your partner, but also help you feel more confident and sexier.

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