Tuesday, December 4, 2018

“I do not eat anything, but weight is growing”: 8 unclear reasons for the appearance of extra pounds


“I do not eat anything, but weight is growing”: 8 unclear reasons for the appearance of extra pounds

1. You sleep little
If you do not sleep one or two nights, do not worry, but when you do it all the time - you harm, including the figure. The connection between the lack of sleep and weight gain has already been proven, and it is direct: you are more awake and eat more. In addition, the body does not have time
to recover in a short night, the circadian rhythms are disturbed, and with them the metabolism and the production of ghrelin hormones (I want to eat) and leptin (controls saturation).
What to do: set a sleep schedule, go to bed and get up at the same time. Turn off the gadgets at least an hour before bedtime and stop eating for 2-3. Do not drink coffee in the evenings.
2. You have stress
The ability to cope with it will give you a lot of advantages to health. Elevated cortisol contributes to the fact that stress becomes chronic, the result - overweight (and not only). The body is forced to switch to an emergency mode of operation, and it needs additional energy. Cortisol also affects circadian rhythms.
What to do: learn to meditate, breathe deeply or do something else to cope with stress. And do not forget about the dream!
3. You are depressed
Many antidepressants contribute to weight gain, you can pick those that are more suitable. Depression itself also does not take care of the figure: many try to seize bad feelings.
What to do: look for support in sports or contact your friends to help distract. Talk to your doctor about another treatment plan.
4. You are taking the wrong medication.
Some birth control pills, other hormones, steroids, beta-blockers contribute to weight gain, because they affect appetite or metabolism.
What to do: pick up others without such side effects.
5. Intestinal bacteria do not work well.
If the intestinal flora is disturbed (for example, after antibiotics or eating large amounts of sweets), this also leads to weight gain.
What to do: take probiotics, drink more water, eat healthy food. If all else fails, consult a doctor.
6. Not enough nutrients
Low levels of magnesium, iron or vitamin D interfere with the normal functioning of the body and slows down the metabolism. Many try to increase the level of energy with the help of caffeine, sweets and simple carbohydrates.
What to do: eat red meat and spinach to raise the level of iron, nuts - magnesium, but vitamin D should be taken separately in the right dosage.
7. You get older
Alas, it is inevitable. Over the years, metabolism slows down, and you need to play sports and eat a little less to stay at your favorite weight.
What to do: find exercises that suit you, eat more vegetables and drink more water.
8. You eat at night
Studies show that night food is harmful. In fact, you consume calories that are not needed by the body. In addition, at the end of the waking period, food is digested more slowly.

What to do: try to make lunch the main meal.

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