Saturday, December 8, 2018

Dispelling the myth of stretching the vagina after various events


What if it is wide? Dispelling the myth of stretching the vagina after various events

Where did this myth come from?
Most likely, the reason for his appearance was the desire of men to accuse women of being too active in sexual life. But the vagina is an elastic organ, which can change its shape if necessary, but then returns to its former form.

What is the truth?
From the point of view of logic, if we remember that a woman can give birth to a child and not “expand” to the girth of his head, it is rather strange to think that frequent sexual acts can somehow affect the shape of this organ. So this is one hundred percent myth.

And what can affect the vagina?
Multiple deliveries have some effect. The entrance to the vagina is stretched during childbirth, but then it is compressed back, and the percentage of this compression depends, inter alia, on genetic factors. By the way, those who are partly responsible for stretch marks and scars.

But in general, even after several births, the partner will not notice the difference due to the fact that the birth does not affect how the vagina changes during sex. A small difference can only be in the tension of intimate muscles. They may stretch more if the child is large or first, but this has virtually no effect on sex.

Is there a solution?
In order not to have any effects (as well as for the general benefit of the body), doctors recommend doing Kegel exercises. True, to achieve the effect it is worthwhile to carry them out regularly for several months.

The essence of these exercises is the rhythmic compression of the muscles every 5-10 seconds with a rest in the gap and each time more and more. They can be performed at any time, even in transport, nobody will notice anyway!

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