Wednesday, December 5, 2018

5 of the strangest requests from plastic surgeons


5 of the strangest requests from plastic surgeons

5. Fat transplantation
More and more often, an alternative to implants is becoming own fat for years. It's simple: surgeons pump out too much of the problem areas and inject fat tissue there,

where it is needed. It would seem, it is ingenious - the priest becomes smaller, and the breast grows by leaps and bounds (more precisely, on fats). However, there is a significant disadvantage: the tissues never take root 100%, so the volumes, as a rule, are “blown away”, forcing the patient to repeat lipofilling.
4. The correction of the labia
Yes, women want to be beautiful inside and out. And therefore they ask to cut off the excess or, on the contrary, increase the missing in the most intimate places. Another question, why do they do it? Plastic surgeons together with gynecologists warn: the hottest trends can come from the porn industry. So, some sites vote for the reference body, and then cast it ... not in bronze - in rubber. And now the patients come to the surgeons with the appropriate references. Thinking about it? Know where your legs grow from!
3. Change in eye color
Who said that women are fickle creatures? In the matter of eye color, many can no longer confine themselves to half measures: if they are impatient, they can safely leave interchangeable colored lenses in the past. Recently, surgeons have offered a fairly simple operation: inserting an implant of the required color into the iris. A pair of cuts - and you look at the world with new eyes.
2. Plastic voices
The case when the changes are not visible, but they are. Those who can not hear their voice, can now silently come to the plastic surgeon to sound in a new way. The range of procedures is quite wide: injections into the vocal cords, installation of implants between the muscles of the larynx, laser correction of the vocal folds, or excision of cartilage in the larynx. It sounds scary, but they say it's worth it.
1. Correction of the inner side of the palms
Your fate is now exactly in your hands! Aside from the jokes: surgeons can actually correct the lines on the palms of patients. What is particularly miserable and enjoy the young ladies. Think about how much effort and money you can save on psychological training and positive thinking. All you have to do is draw a new lifeline, reassure the palm teller and go catch luck by the tail.

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