Sunday, December 2, 2018

10 habits from which wrinkles appear


If you want your skin to stay smooth as long as possible, revise your lifestyle - sometimes even minor changes can be beneficial. We have collected the 10 most common habits that can cause wrinkles.

This problem is particularly relevant in the summer: yes, we know that you love the sun very much, but your skin does not. The fact that active sunlight causes premature aging, we are told, it seems, of each iron, but for some reason we continue to ignore the use of cream with SPF protection. You need it not only during a beach holiday, but every day, even when you just go to work. Change your habit of using the same favorite cream all year round - in the summer your skin definitely needs SPF.

Fresh breath, as we remember from the advertising slogan, facilitates understanding - and that's great. But if you have the habit of constantly chewing gum, then you find yourself at risk. Infinite jaw movements over time can cause early appearance of nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth. Everything is simple here: if you often frown your forehead, then wrinkles appear on it, if you constantly chew, then the skin in the mouth area also stretches. Therefore, it is better to replace the gum with mints lozenges or lozenges.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with keeping your skin clean, especially if it is prone to fat and acne. But fans of cleansing, all sorts of scrubs, peels and brushes for washing often go over the edge of what is permitted. If you use the scrub more than 2 times a week and constantly rub your face with tonic or lotion, it's time to stop doing it. With cosmetics you break the natural environment and the pH of your skin. As a result, its immunity and resistance are reduced. Moreover, you yourself do not notice how to overdry the face - and this is the number one reason when it comes to the appearance of wrinkles.

This is a continuation of the previous paragraph. Yes, at night it is perfectly normal to wash with cleanser and wipe the face with micellar water, but why do you need it after sleep? When, sorry, did you manage to get dirty? In the morning, simply rinse your face with plain water at room temperature and use cosmetic ice. And that's it!

There is nothing criminal in changing bed sheets once a week, but your pillow case can be a source of danger — most bacteria accumulate on it, and this is only half the trouble. Hairspray, any other styling products - all of this settles on the pillowcase during sleep, which means it turns on your face. And chemical elements affect the skin and cause aging. Get a good habit - change the pillowcase every 2-3 days.

Lack of sleep can cause a lot of problems that you don’t even guess. And one of them is premature aging. The fact is that when you do not have enough sleep, the body simply does not have time to recover - this also applies to skin cells. If you want to look stunning after 50 years, forget about the midnight vigil - at night, beauties should sleep!

Another cause of premature aging associated with sleep is incorrect posture. Many of us adore sleeping on our stomachs, having pressed our cheek into the pillow (and then in the morning there are beautiful traces of the pillowcase). Now imagine - for a few hours the normal blood circulation is disturbed, and the skin is in a “squeezed” state. Do you think wrinkles will not appear after this? To minimize the risks, teach yourself to sleep on your side or on your back - useful not only for the skin, but also for the cardiovascular system.

At least once it happened to each of us, despite the fact that mom as a child strictly forbade it to do so. And the problem is not only that you risk bringing infection, but also that during squeezing you squeeze and injure your skin. Then a scar or even a small wrinkle can remain in this place. Do you want it?

If your home is too hot and dry, the skin will respond to it. A humidifier is really a very important device that you still need to buy, and do not forget to turn it on (this also happens, we know).

Here, probably, nothing needs to be explained? Smoking and the desire to prolong youth are incompatible. By the way, this is also written on your tutu.

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