Saturday, December 14, 2019

Slow Cooker Chicken Marrakesh


Slow Cooker Chicken Marrakeshavr: It would take a bit to get ahold of a lot, but they are available in supermarkets and specialty shops. It might also be a good idea to pick up a couple of the small ones with the little wings that aren't too large or fat at all.

You can also find the marrakeshi in the spice section or the frozen section.

It's also available in the Asian section.

Alfalfa Stew: It's available as a pre-made sauce in the Asian section. You might be able to find it in grocery stores in the Asian section or specialty food stores. It may also be sold in the frozen section on food trucks or food court. I found an Alfalfa Stew that was very good in the Alba Express store in the West End. They also had a marrakeshki (I think) in the spice section.

I also tried Al Falfa (the Italian version) with the Italian-made tomato sauce, and it was very good.

The other option is this Al Falfa Stew recipe from the book "Pizza in Your Pocket" by Michael Ruhlman, and it is also available in the Asian section of supermarkets and specialty food stores.

Almafuji Chicken: I have heard that this is available at some Chinese markets.

Alpenga (Canned Chicken): The canned chicken is also available at some supermarkets and specialty food stores. I have not encountered this but will check with my Chinese grocer.

The other one you can find at the supermarket in the Asian section.

Altenburger (Duck): Not available in Canada, only available in a limited amount in some grocery stores in the Western US.

You can also find this in the Chinese section of supermarkets like Costco or Sam's Grocery.

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