Thursday, November 29, 2018

Not a compliment, but an insult: 6 sayings that we are tired of enduring


You are so thin!
Even in the event that the woman who received this compliment set weight loss as her goal, she diligently achieved it and, moreover, told everyone about it, the compliment is very doubtful, very. And if nothing of the kind is known about a woman, this is not a compliment at all, but an insult: who ever said that she wanted to lose weight and now she likes herself? It is known who said: patriarchy, in which any woman should become conventionally beautiful (read “thin”) in order to be able to become happy, otherwise the peasants would not want her, and there is no peasant - no happiness. Just right? Sexism as it is. Concentrated.

You haven't changed at all!
It is said, as a rule, by a person who has not seen you a hundred years, and you understand perfectly well what has changed - and very much. What did he mean by that? What do you look as young as many years ago? We all understand that this is a lie, firstly, and secondly, it is sexism: a good, fit woman is a young woman, so it is impossible to grow old in any way. Here you are well done, do not get old, everything would be so! Disgusting, right?

Are you 35? I never would have thought!
Yes, of course, I did not think, but I do not behave like a typical 35-year-old woman: until I wrapped myself in a sheet and crawled towards the nearest necropolis. Should I have, yes?

The most disgusting thing about this, by the way, is the patriarchal pattern "No matter how old a woman is, she is still not good." That is, it is not only a matter of worldview in which a woman cannot grow old: it is obvious to any sensible person that 35 is not the age of aging, from what angle you look at it. But such “compliments” make both thirty years old and twenty five years old.

You are very natural! (You are beautifully aging!)
You probably haven't lived to see the second compliment yet, but the first one you probably heard more than once. What is meant? What are you - a great fellow: not obsessed with beauty practices and plastic surgery, not that these all ... Stop. This is frank misogyny: you are well done, unlike other women who are not good, yes. Which, frankly speaking, stupid women in general, seeking to be young in their respectable summers, ha ha ha! Age can not hide! And the heartless gravity can not be fooled! Rather, it is just that you deceive, but not the one who gave you a compliment: he, like the Indian Sharp Eye, sees right through and through the wrong, tuned women.

And here it is necessary to understand the following: misogyny, including internal (the hatred of women for women), is a huge systemic problem. And to accept such compliments is to support her. And then, well, do someone really want to receive a compliment in the spirit: "There are all such freaks around that you look even against their background!"?

You are not like other girls!
And this compliment is in the same firebox as the aforementioned one, and it is necessary to pour the kerosene on top. Because in this case, misogyny blooms just a lush color, it's not just about looks.

Such beauty as you, you must emphasize!
Who needs it - she has already stressed. But in general ... "Do not tell me what to do, and I will not tell you where to go" (c)

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