Thursday, November 29, 2018

4 effective exercises for fat burning workout


"In fact, our fat depot is a warehouse of energy that the body has postponed until the worst times. And while losing weight, the main task is to convince the body to start consuming this emergency supply. To do this, create a small calorie deficit from food and surprise the body with new fat burning training sessions, which should be as energy-consuming as possible and be based on certain principles.

Intense pace

Exercises should increase heart rate and breathing. Such loads increase the metabolic rate, forcing the body to spend more intensively oxygen, which helps to oxidize and break down fat cells.

Load on the whole body

To burn the maximum number of calories, it is most effective to train the whole body in a complex. It has long been proven that total body workouts cause maximum metabolic response. Therefore, be sure to include in exercises exercises on different muscle groups and do not dwell only on problem areas.

Moderate burdening

One of the main goals of fat burning training is to create a deficiency of glucose in the body. In this case, the body will have to take our fat reserves as the main source of energy. Therefore, it is necessary to choose such weights with which you will be able to perform at least 10-15 repetitions of exercises at an intensive pace. More and harder in this case does not mean better. A good option for sports equipment will serve as rubber bands or dumbbells and small weights.

Below is a circular exercise aimed at fat loss. This complex effectively uses the main muscle groups. Perform each exercise one after another in an intense rhythm without respite. At the end of the circle (it consists of four exercises) rest 2 minutes - and again into battle! You need to make at least three, and better than five such circles. "

Breeding of hands from behind the head with simultaneous moving legs to the sides
This exercise is especially effective when using additional resistance, such as rubber bands. Fix one tape on the feet, take another in your hands. Stand up straight, your feet on the width of the pelvis, back straight, arms raised up. On the exhale, spread your hands as much as possible to the sides, slightly bending them in the elbows. At the same time, move your foot to the side, overcoming the resistance of the tape. While inhaling, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Repetitions: 20 (each movement).

Step over in a half-ride
From the position of the half-pitch, step first to the right, then to the left. Make sure your knees are turned out, do not slouch.
Repetitions: 20 (in each direction).

Burpy jump up
Put your feet shoulder-width apart, arms loosely positioned along the body. While inhaling, sit down, hold the body forward and drop your knees on the floor. Then put your hands on the floor in front of you, transferring body weight to them. Lower the torso down until the belly touches the floor. Pull back and back legs back in a squat with the support on the arms. From this position, jump upwards, making a clap with your palms over your head. Take a step back and repeat the exercise.
Повторений: 15.


Из положения лежа на полу подними корпус к коленям. Ноги при этом все время находятся на весу. Ягодичные мышцы и тазовое дно – это твой центр тяжести. Старайся не сутулить поясницу и не опускать ноги. Подъем корпуса делаем на глубоком выдохе.
Repetitions: 20

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