Friday, November 30, 2018

Life without children: 4 women's stories about why they decided not to have a baby


1. I can not get pregnant and do not want IVF
“My reason is simple: for many years we have tried and achieved nothing. When they started talking about adoption or IVF, I realized that I didn’t really want to have a child. Maybe I do not want at all. I like my life. I was always afraid of other children, although it seems like nature should teach me to love them. Now this solution seems simple to me, but a couple of years ago I was very worried. All friends have children - and everyone is happy.

I feel the pressure of society, so to give up childbearing is a big step for me. But now I feel comfortable and I think that I am doing the right thing.

When I discussed it with my husband, he said he agreed. So we didn't talk about it anymore. Especially since he has two children from his first marriage. Nobody asks him about them, it’s normal for a man to be childless! ”- Zhenya, 30 years old.

2. There are too many people on the planet.
“The older I get, the more I think about the different risk factors. Maybe later I will regret it. But the truth is that the planet is overpopulated and its future raises unpleasant questions. If we continue to deplete its resources, what will come? In addition, there are so many children without parents in the world that it seems to me a selfish desire to have a child when so many people need help. To give birth to prolong the race, I do not want. So, most likely, I will be engaged in adoption. Maybe my children won't want to live in peace with dirty air at all! ”- Natalya, 32 years old.

3. I love my life
“I’m just afraid of pregnancy. The very idea that someone else will grow inside me plunges me into horror.

I love myself too much to give birth. I work a lot, I travel, I don't want to report to anyone. My friends were forced to reduce the time for themselves after the appearance of children - this is not my option. The family does not really understand me, but she will have to. People ask when we have a child, and we do not answer. For some reason they think that the decision was made by the husband, although it is a joint one ”, - Olga, 25 years old.

4. I want to make a career
“Life made a choice for me. I have always loved spending time with friends, traveling, but the biggest place in life is work. Without children, I quickly climb up the career ladder. I can give work all my free time. I always answer this question honestly, although the family, of course, hopes that I will change my mind. My husband supports me in everything ”, - Olesya, 33 years old.

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