Tuesday, December 11, 2018

In the new clip Eminem singer kills and buries his girlfriend


In the new clip Eminem singer kills and buries his girlfriend

46-year-old Eminem (Eminem) and 27-year-old Canadian singer Jessie Reyez presented the video for Good Guy. In it, the singer again touches an important topic for him - problems in family relationships.

Beauty injections that you have time to do before the New Year


Beauty injections that you have time to do before the New Year

Plazmolifting - in 7 days
Plasmolifting is good because the injection composition is formed on the basis of your own cells. To be more precise, platelets of plasma separated from your blood are used, which stimulate cell growth and division. The skin becomes more elastic and radiant, and recovery takes only about a week.

Stylish images for cold weather: 15 ideas for warming


Stylish images for cold weather: 15 ideas for warming

The online edition Refinery29 on its pages showed several collections of stylish images.

How to wear wide leg pants and look cool: learn from Victoria Beckham.


How to wear wide leg pants and look cool: learn from Victoria Beckham.

One of the most important components of this image is color. A bright accent shade is almost always half the

On holiday for the New Year: where and with whom to leave your pet during the holidays?


On holiday for the New Year: where and with whom to leave your pet during the holidays?

Option number 1. Take with us