Thursday, December 20, 2018

Lose weight without a cause: 7 diseases that cause weight loss


Lose weight without a cause: 7 diseases that cause weight loss

1. Thyroid
Weight loss - a symptom of hyperthyroidism, or too active thyroid. It produces too many hormones. As a rule, strong hunger, heart palpitations, sleep problems, and hot flashes are added to weight loss.

Life without gas: 7 reasons to stop drinking diet soda


Life without gas: 7 reasons to stop drinking diet soda

1. Will have a headache

Keep yourself in hand: 5 reasons not to change your corporate partner


Keep yourself in hand: 5 reasons not to change your corporate partner

Surveys conducted in the United States showed that more than 60% of people consider betrayal at an office party normal. In most cases, everything can be blamed on alcohol,

For a clean face: how to deal with unwanted hair on the skin?


For a clean face: how to deal with unwanted hair on the skin?

It is important that the skin is dry and clean. In the process of cleaning, you remove harmful bacteria and excess sebum.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

From a different angle: 4 most comfortable poses for anal sex


From a different angle: 4 most comfortable poses for anal sex

1. Twist-twirl

This position is for those who want to relax and have sex in a comfortable environment.