Saturday, June 22, 2024

You should keep your hands off THIS beer in the supermarket


Beer Buying Tips

Keep Your Hands Off THIS Beer in the Supermarket

Beer? Preferably freshly tapped! That's what some say. Others don't care whether the yeast or wheat brew comes from a bottle, barrel, or can. But one thing is clear: it should be good. How to drink beer best and which one you should rather keep your hands off in the supermarket, we have the answer from a beer expert.

Beer does not prefer large temperature fluctuations and also does not prefer direct light. Therefore, it is ideal if the bottles are stored in a dark and cool place such as the cellar, advises beer brewer and beer sommelier Oliver Wesseloh from Hamburg. And: "Once the beer is in the fridge, then only take it out again to drink." If, on the other hand, you take it out again to put it somewhere else, it gets warmer again in the bottle – and that's not good for the beer.

Wesseloh would keep his hands off beer that stands on the window pane in the supermarket in the sunshine or – even worse – in front of the store directly in the sun. "Especially for a pilsner, sun is the biggest killer there is. In this way, certain substances are split off from the hops, which makes such a stinky aftertaste." This is also called "light taste".

Another buying tip: For a certain variety, always buy the bottles with the longer shelf life (BBD). However, the best-before date is only suitable to a limited extent as an indicator of the age of the beer for comparing different breweries, according to the expert.

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